Q: What is your job title with Sargent, and what does that role entail?
A: My title at Sargent is VP Accounting & Administration, and my responsibilities are varied. I lead the Accounting and Administrative teams, working closely with Cost Control Manager Casey Noyes, Office Manager Kim Ryan, and Vice President-Finance & CFO Tasha Gardner.
Q: What is the biggest challenge you regularly face in this role?
A: The most significant challenge in my job is keeping track of deadlines. There are many daily, weekly, monthly, and yearly deadlines in finance, so it can be tricky to make sure we’re on schedule and that nothing falls through the cracks.
Q: What was your work history before you came to Sargent?
A: I’ve been with Sargent since December of 2000. I graduated from Husson University in Bangor — which at the time was still called Husson College — and I went to work for a local public accounting firm. I eventually left there to work for a paper mill located in my hometown of Bucksport, Maine. I was only there for about a year because that company was sold, and it was at that point that I came to work for Sargent.
Q: What do you enjoy the most about your job?
A: I really enjoy being part of such a great team and feeling like what I do helps us achieve our common goals. I care about all of the people I work with here at Sargent and I honestly consider them to be part of my extended family.
Q: Why is Sargent such a great company to work for? What sets them apart as an employer?
A: As an accountant, I can work at any company in any industry. So, for me to stay here for 20 years, it’s clearly a special place to work. The people here make it feel like a career and not just another job. Management truly cares about the people who work here, and that’s reflected throughout the entire company.
We have a genuine interest in each other, and we know each other. When I see my coworkers on Monday morning, we’re asking each other about our weekends and how our kids are doing. If someone isn’t having the best day or the best week, people will go above and beyond to help make things better.
Q: What are you most proud of in your career?
A: I can’t pinpoint any particular project, but what I’m most proud of is feeling like I have the respect of the people I work with. I wouldn’t ask my staff to do anything that I wouldn’t be willing to do myself. That type of thing fosters the mutual respect that’s so important in any business.
Q: How do you think our industry could do a better job of recruiting young people?
A: I think we need to be more flexible and continue to strive to find out what’s important to them. At various points in life, your priorities change. For some people, their salary is the most important thing about their job. For others, the benefits are their priority, and others might need more time off.
We can’t just keep cramming round pegs in square holes. We need to treat young people as individuals — find out what matters to each of them and try to accommodate that.
Q: Is there anyone in your life that you’ve looked up to as a mentor?
A: Most of my adult career has been here at Sargent and I have been extremely fortunate to work for some amazing CFOs in my time here. I’ve learned so much from each of them and they all hold special places in my heart.
Q: How do you like to spend your free time?
A: I have a wonderful husband, Troy, and two amazing children, Austin and Sydney. My favorite thing to do in my free time is just to spend as much time with them as I can. I also enjoy hanging out at camp, reading books, playing games, and cheering on the Bruins.